Herb-Infused Italian-Style Salad Dressing!

Herb-Infused Italian-Style Salad Dressing!

1. Mix the wet ingredients (Ingredients A) together until blended.

2. Add garlic, and use a spoon to crush it until the juice comes out.

3. Add the rest of the dry ingredients (Ingredients B), mix well.

4. Now this is the key to speed and flavour: microwave on high for 10-20 seconds. (depending on your microwave, until warm and the smell of the garlic and herbs come out).

5. Continue to dissolve the sugar until when you think it's done, drizzle and serve!

6. P.S. What I drizzled on, just as a simple example, was lettuce, cucumber slices and tomato and basil flavoured tuna can (one can).


