Hermann - The Feeding And Care

Hermann - The Feeding And Care

1. HI! I am Hermann, your new family member for the next 10 days and hopefully longer!

2. If you treat me right and feed me on time I will give you 3 Hermann babies. I don’t like metal, so please use only glass or plastic bowls and a wooden spoon. I will grow a lot and I feel most comfortable in the warm kitchen, just like most people I would rather not live in the fridge! (Depending on your local climate!).

3. 1. Day Today I need to rest and get used to my new surroundings.

4. 2. – 4. Day On these days I like to have a bit of exercise. Please stir me 1x each day with a wooden or plastic spoon.

5. 5. Day I am hungry! Please feed me with 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar and 1 cup milk and stir until I am smooth again. (Remember, I will grow a lot! So make sure my bowl is big enough, otherwise I might run away from you!).

6. 6. – 9. Day I really need some more exercise. Please stir me 1x each day with a wooden or plastic spoon.

7. 10. Day Today is my big day! That makes me hungry. First I need to get fed again. Please give me 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar and 1 cup milk and stir until smooth.

8. Now you have to split me into 4 equal portions. 2 of them you can give to friends or family that want to adopt me. 1 you keep for yourself to start over. You can even freeze me, if you’re too busy right now. When you’re ready again just defrost me and start with Day 1. The 4th portion you get to use for this recipe:

9. Using all the cake ingredients mentioned above.

10. Mix all dry ingredients. Stir in all wet ingredients and mix well until batter is smooth.

11. Now stir in what ever you have on hand or feel like adding. Cinnamon, fruit, chocolate chips, raisins, ground nuts or, or, or…….wherever your imagination takes you.

12. Pour into a greased and floured bundt pan.

13. Bake at 350°F/180°C for about 45-60 minutes.

14. Don’t forget to check out my brother Siegfried, he is in charge of breads!


