Holubky (Basic Slovak Stuffed Cabbage Rolls)

Holubky (Basic Slovak Stuffed Cabbage Rolls)

1. Cook rice for 5 minutes; then drain.

2. Remove core from cabbage and place in a large pot of boiling salted water.

3. Boil until large outer leaves get slightly limp and separate from head (10 minutes); then remove and de-vein (save 2 cups cabbage water for sauce).

4. Mix together meat, 1/2 cup tomato sauce, partially cooked rice, garlic salt, and pepper.

5. Place about 4 tablespoons rice mixture (or according to size of leaf) on each cabbage leaf, fold the ends in over the filling and roll up.

6. Stack tightly in a large pot or dutch oven.

7. Add water saved from boiling cabbage and pour remaining tomato sauce on top.

8. Cover and cook over medium heat for 2 hours (check occasionally to make sure the bottoms aren't scorching; turn heat down if they start to).

9. Serve hot.


