Homemade Pineapple Vinegar (Vinagre De Pina)

Homemade Pineapple Vinegar (Vinagre De Pina)

1. Wash jar and lid well.

2. Add water and brown sugar to jar. Stir well to dissolve sugar.

3. Add pineapple peel and trimmings. Stir well.

4. Cover jar with plastic wrap then seal with lid.

5. Set aside in warm, dark place for 4-6 weeks. DO NOT SHAKE.

6. The liquid may turn murky and brown, but the solids will settle and the color will clear.

7. When the liquid is clear, strain out the solids by pouring the liquid through several layers of cheesecloth.

8. Store vinegar in a clean bottle, away from light.

9. NOTE: During storage, the vinegar may develop a gelatinous mass that floats or sits at the bottom of the jar. This is called the mother of the vinegar & is harmless. If you make another batch of vinegar, you can use some of this mother to help the new batch develop.

10. UPDATE: After making this recipe myself, I want to warn that the pineapple does start releasing gasses during fermentation, so keep an eye on it and loosen the lid carefully to release any pressure building up, when needed.


