Homemade Tomato Sauce With Italian Sausage And Red Wine

Homemade Tomato Sauce With Italian Sausage And Red Wine

1. Saute 1 lb. sweet italian sausage until light pink, almost done.

2. Add olive oil, onion and garlic and cook on medium until soft and golden brown, about 8-10 minutes.

3. Add the thyme and carrot and cook 5 minutes more, until the carrot is soft.

4. Add the red wine and cook for one minute.

5. Add the canned tomatoes and bring to a boil, stirring often.

6. Lower the heat and simmer for 30 minutes until consistensy is thick.

7. Season with salt if desired (I usually don't need to) and serve.

8. You can substitute 1 tablespoon dried thyme for the fresh thyme.

9. Try adding 2 cups of grated fresh zucchini at the same time as the tomatoes for a fresh summer sauce.

10. Try adding one pound of fresh sliced mushrooms at the same time as the carrots.


