Homemade Wholemeal Pizza

Homemade Wholemeal Pizza

1. Ferment the yeast by adding the yeast and sugar to 150ml warm water, then whisking till dissolved. Leave to stand for 10-15 minutes whilst it froths.

2. Add the yeast water mix to the wholemeal flour and herbs, add the olive oil and mix well. Continue to mix and add water till you achieve a stretchy dough consistency, but not sticky. (If it goes sticky add more flour).

3. Set the dough aside in a bowl covered in clingfilm or a damp towel for about 1 hour. Once the dough has grown to roughly twice its original size it is ready for kneading.

4. Knead or roll the dough to the correct shape/size you require, place on to a lightly oiled baking tray / pizza tray (by oiling the tray the pizza wont stick).

5. Preheat the oven to 375°F, 190°C or Gas mark 5.

6. Mix the Tomato puree with the herbs, then spread the mixture over the base.

7. Lay out the vegetable/meat toppings on the pizza. Then layer the mozzarella and the cheddar on top.

8. Place in the oven for 20-30 minutes or until golden.

9. Enjoy!


