Honey Garlic Chicken Spaghetti

Honey Garlic Chicken Spaghetti

1. Grab your cutting board and clean off your chicken. Rinse under cold water, cut off access fat and grizzle. Slice chicken in to thumb size strips.

2. In a Wok, on med high heat, add 1 teaspoons oil, chicken, garlic and onion powder with the dash of black pepper. Once the chicken is all cooked, add in the jar of honey garlic sauce and cook until sauce has really thicken up. Then simmer until you are ready to mix in the noodles and veggies.

3. Meanwhile as the chicken is cooking, in a large pot, boil and cook up your spaghetti. (10 minutes).

4. Chop up your baby spinach, carrots, broccoli, asparagus and green onion. In a frying pan on medium heat, add in 1/2 teaspoons olive oil, add in veggies and sprinkle some Parmesan cheese and pepper on the veggies. Fry together until baby spinach as wilted about 5 minutes.

5. Once the spaghetti noddles are done, drain and add Parmesan cheese, feta cheese and butter. Mix well. Then place noodles in the wok with honey garlic chicken. Mix up and then add the veggies and mix up well.


