

1. Place feta cheese, garlic, tomatoes on a foil tray (if roasting on grill) or in a ceramic pot or pan if cooking in the oven. Lay pepperocini on top of other ingredients, do not mix yet (pepperocini will be removed after cooking).

2. Roast for about 10 minutes over low coals, or about 10 mins in a 350 degree oven. Feta will look "runny" or "watery" when the correct doneness.

3. Remove from oven or coals, remove pepperocini. If roasted over coals, place in bowl to mix.

4. With a FORK (do not use food processor) mix the rest of the ingredients together, slightly smashing the feta as you go.You may remove some of the tomatoes if desired, depending on taste. You can also choose to chop (very fine) the pepperocini (remove stems and seeds) and add it back to your dip (I do this as I like it spicy!).

5. Spread on plate, let cool slightly before serving. Can be garnished with Kalamata olives before serving if desired.

6. Serve with Pita Bread, crusty French Bread or also good with bagels!

7. Although not ideal, leftovers (if you have any!) can be stored in refrigerator and warmed in microwave slightly before serving.


