Hungarian Scrambled Eggs

Hungarian Scrambled Eggs

1. Snip the bacon into thin strips.

2. Heat the oil in a large frying pan.

3. Add the bacon, fry gently stirring often, till it starts to crisp.

4. Remove from pan, leaving the oil, keep warm.

5. Thinly slice the onion and fry gently until starting to brown at the edges.

6. Remove the onion from the pan and add to bacon, keep warm.

7. Slice the pepper and fry gently until softened.

8. Whisk the eggs with a fork.

9. Drain off any excess oil in the pan.

10. Return the bacon and onion to the pan and warm though.

11. Pour the eggs over the mixture and leave until cooked halfway through.

12. Flip the egg mixture in sections, at this point it will break up and look a bit messy.

13. Cook for a further minute or until the eggs are still just runny in the middle.

14. Serve on warmed plates, add freshly ground black pepper.


