Iced Clementine Parfait

Iced Clementine Parfait

1. Heat the milk slowly until it almost reaches boiling point and while the milk is heating, whisk the eggs and sugar together in a medium sized bowl.

2. Pour the hot milk over the eggs and sugar and stir together; return the milk mixture to the pan and cook over a low heat, stirring continuously until the mixture has thickened to a custard that is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon; remove from heat and sieve and leave to cool while you prepare the clementines.

3. Grate the rind and squeeze the juice from 6 clementines, then add both to the custard; remove the peel and pith from 2 more clementines, chop into small pieces and add to the custard.

4. Whisk the cream until it stands in soft peaks, stir the cream into the custard and mix until smooth.

5. Line a 900g (2lb) loaf tin with cling film; pour the custard into the prepared tin and freeze for at least 6 hours or overnight.

6. TO SERVE: About 10 minutes before serving, remove the parfait from the freezer; remove the pith, peel and pips from the remaining clementines and separate into segments; turn out the parfait onto a serving dish, peel away the cling film and decorate the top of the parfait with some of the clementine slices.

7. Melt the chocolate and drizzle over the parfait; serve cut in slices with any remaining clementine segments.


