Idiot-Proof Yorkshire Puddings

Idiot-Proof Yorkshire Puddings

1. Mix together the flour, eggs and milk, until well combined. Cover and leave in the fridge for as long as possible-24 hours is good, 60 minutes minimum.

2. Melt blobs of lard/dripping or oil in pudding tin holes-enough that when its melted it comes up the side of the hole about 1/2cm.Remember lard has a higher smoke point than oil, and dripping more than lard, and in this case the hotter you can go, the better.

3. Heat the pan in a HOT oven, until oil/lard or dripping is smoking hot. If need be, heat the pan over a flame over the stove to get it smoking.

4. Remove batter from the fridge and mix quickly, pour into pudding holes. It should sizzle immediately.

5. Place tray in hot oven and do not open the door. Four large puddings take about 20-25 minutes.

6. NB-you can eat these cold with jam too!


