Imbul Kiri Bath (Milk Rice)

Imbul Kiri Bath (Milk Rice)

1. Coconut Treacle Mix:

2. Pour the treacle into a pot and bring to a boil while stirring.

3. Add the Coconut and mix well.

4. Take off the heat.

5. Add the salt and cloves, mixing well. Set aside.

6. Milk Rice:

7. Put Rice and water into a pan and bring to a boil.

8. Cover and cook for 15 minutes.

9. Add coconut milk and Salt.

10. Stir with handle of wooden spoon, cover and cook on low heat for another 10-15 minutes (until the milk has been absorbed).

11. Remove it from the heat and let it cool slightly.

12. Divide the slightly cooled milk rice into two portions.

13. On a flat dish, evenly spread out a layer of milk rice using one portion (should be at least 1 cm thick).

14. Then evenly spread the coconut treacle mix on top.

15. Cover it completely (including the sides) with the second portion of the milk rice.

16. It is important to do all this before the milk rice cools down too much as it will become too sticky to handle.

17. Cut into blocks.


