Indian Chicken Curry (Urban Rajah)

Indian Chicken Curry (Urban Rajah)

1. For the marinade, mix the yoghurt, salt, turmeric and the chopped chillies. Chop up or joint the chicken and coat it in the marinade and leave covered to stand at room temperature for an hour (to prevent it from splitting when cooked). Chop the onion and tomatoes into small chunks and reserve. In a large pan over a medium melt your ghee or butter until it begins to sizzle, and pop in the coriander and cumin seeds plus the cardamom, cloves, a little salt and onions, frying until the onions brown a little.

2. Next, drop in the ginger and garlic and cook for approximately 5, gently stirring then add the chopped tomatoes and garam masala, stirring for another 5 minutes or so until the mix is bubbling gently and on the verge of being a little sticky. Now it’s time for the chicken to join the party, (but hold back 2 tbs of the yoghurt mix) so add the pieces and fry on high for 3/4 minutes until the meat has turned from raw to white. Turn the heat down to low, cover and cook for a further 25 minutes, adding a little water to stop it from sticking, check regularly and fold in the rest of the yoghurt after 10 minutes. Keep an eye on this dish and make sure that you regularly stir it to keep the yoghurt from splitting. Either serve straight away, (or keep for the next day, tends to taste better) garnishing with coriander.

3. Ravish the chicken curry with rice or chapattis.


