Indian Dates Laddoo

Indian Dates Laddoo

1. Put a little ghee in a wok.

2. Fry half the portion of the cashewnuts and half the portion of the dry coconut powder, cloves, powdered sesame seeds and raisins.

3. Pour 1/4 cup of water in 1/2 cup of sugar.

4. Allow it to boil till you have two-thread consistency of the sugar.

5. Remove from flame.

6. Pour all the ingredients in the hot sugar syrup, dates, sesame seeds, raisins, cashews, cloves, green cardamom powder and the dry coconut.

7. Allow it to cool for 1 hour.

8. Now make small round balls out of the mixture.

9. Garnish with the rest of the cashews and dry coconut powder.

10. Serve!


