Indian Lentil Soup (Dal Shorva)

Indian Lentil Soup (Dal Shorva)

1. Rinse the beans or lentils.

2. Bring to a boil with the stock, turmeric, Cayenne, cumin, cardamom and curry/bay leaves.

3. Let simmer until the beans or lentils are very soft (ca 30 minutes).

4. If using bay leaves, remove them now. Curry leaves can be left in the soup.

5. Run the soup quickly in a blender to a not too smooth consistency (or mash the lentils/beans with a ladle).

6. Sautee the garlic and mustard seeds lightly in the fat and add to the soup.

7. Let simmer for another 5 minutes.

8. Add salt, pepper and squeezed lemon to taste.

9. Serve hot with pita or paratha bread.


