Indian Lentils And Spinach

Indian Lentils And Spinach

1. Mince the garlic.

2. Dice the carrot and onion.

3. Fresh or frozen spinach can be used.

4. Coarsely chop the spinach if fresh.

5. Rinse and drain the lentils.

6. Add all the ingredients but the spinach into the pot and allow to.

7. simmer until beans are at the desired texture between 45 min to 1 hour.

8. Bean freshness also varies the cooking time.

9. The older the dried bean the longer it takes to cook.

10. Once the lentils are done remove the bay leaf and add the spinach.

11. Cook for a minute longer then take off the heat.

12. If not eating in the next hour or so put into the refrigerator.


