Indian Tacos (And Fry Bread)

Indian Tacos (And Fry Bread)

1. Mix the first 10 ingredients in a large sauce pan or skillet.

2. Simmer on low heat for about 30 minutes or until fry bread is done.

3. While this is simmering make fry bread.

4. Fry Bread:

5. Sift dry ingredients.

6. Lightly stir in milk.

7. Add more flour as necessary to make a dough you can handle.

8. Knead and work the dough on a floured board with floured hands until smooth.

9. Pinch off fist-sized lumps and shape into a flat disk shape.

10. Fry in fat (about 375°) until golden and done on both sides, about 5 minutes.

11. Drain on paper towels.

12. Place hot fry bread on a plate.

13. Spread a layer of refried beans.

14. Top with meat sauce and shredded cheese.

15. Add lettuce, tomatoes, salsa, etc. if desired.


