Indian Vermicelli Milk Pudding -- Seviyan Kheer Or Payesh

Indian Vermicelli Milk Pudding -- Seviyan Kheer Or Payesh

1. I simmered 1 lit of milk in a pot for at least 20 -25mins. Never bringing it to a boil, but on simmer only so that the water content reduces in the milk and we have a more condensed version of it. After about 15 minutes, I added 4 Tbsp of sugar and kept stirring the milk. After 25 mins, I added 3 pods of green cardamom, 2 bay leaves, and a handful of raisins. Then plopped in the Vermicelli and mixed the ingredients.

2. Before adding these, I had fried the Vermicelli, Cardamom and Bay Leaf in a separate pan, with a little bit of Oil or Ghee. I had lightly fried the Vermicelli into a medium brown color.

3. I turned off the flame, and added about 50g of brown jaggery Gur , and closed the pan with a lid, to allow the flavor to infuse and the jaggery to melt. With the flame on, the jaggery would have curdled the milk, but this pudding tastes great with the jaggery.

4. Transfer into a bowl and add a few pistachios on top. It can be eaten warm, but it tastes even better after chilling for a few hours.


