Individual Panzanella (Mediterranean Bread Salad)

Individual Panzanella (Mediterranean Bread Salad)

1. Cut zucchini and aubergine in rounds and place on baking tray lined with parchment paper or cookie sheet.

2. Brush/drizzle with 1 TB olive oil and salt lightly.

3. Bake in oven for about 15-20 minute until golden brown and crispy.

4. Chop or tear ciabatta bread in bite size pieces.

5. Transfer ready zucchini and aubergine slices to a bowl (you may want to cut aubergine rounds into halves or quarters, according to their size).

6. Cut cherry tomatoes in halves.

7. Toss zucchini, aubergines, onion slices, corn kernels, cannelinni beans (both corn and beans without liquid) and tomatoes in a large salad bowl.

8. Add mozzarella chunks (smoked riccotta is delicious as well) and minced garlic. Toss carefully.

9. Add remaining 3 TB of olive oil (or pumpink seed oil) and balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper to taste. Toss again carefully.

10. Add (toasted) bread chunks and toss, see, that salad dressing and vegetable liquid is absorbed by the ciabatta chunks.

11. Sprinkle with toasted pine nuts.

12. Enjoy!


