Individual Pumpkin Pies

Individual Pumpkin Pies

1. Roll out pastry into 1/8-inch thickness.

2. Cut 16 four-inch circles from pastry and line ungreased muffin cups with them.

3. You will have to reroll a few times, but a mix for 2 crusts will yield exactly 16, at least it does for me.

4. Loosely cover muffin pans with Saran and chill for 30 minutes.

5. Preheat oven to 375°F.

6. In a large bowl, whisk eggs until frothy, about 2 minutes; add remaining ingredients and beat until smooth.

7. Retrieve pastry shells from fridge and divide pumpkin mixture among them.

8. Bake for about 40 minutes or until a tester inserted in centre of a tart comes out clean.

9. Cool in pan for 10 minutes then remove to a wire rack to cool completely.

10. Serve with whipped cream dusted with cinnamon.


