Indonesian Chicken In Coconut Gravy (Opor Ayam)

Indonesian Chicken In Coconut Gravy (Opor Ayam)

1. Cut chicken into smaller pieces. If using boneless, skinless chicken breast then cut into bite size pieces. Squeeze the juice of one lime over chicken and let sit for about 15-20 minutes.

2. Boil the eggs and peel, set aside.

3. Sauté the tofu in oil until lightly brown.

4. Blend the shallots, garlic, candlenuts, turmeric powder, coriander powder, salt and pepper in a food processor or blender until it forms a smooth paste.

5. Sauté the paste in oil (about 1-2 Tbsp.) for a few minutes.

6. Once bumbu is sautéed, add 1500 ml water and chicken.

7. Stir occasionally until it comes to a boil.

8. Add 2 pieces of lemon grass that have been bruised, 5-7 pieces of lime leaves, galangal (about the size of thumb, bruised) & 3 bay leaves.

9. Bring to a boil… add tofu and eggs.

10. For extra flavor you can sauté sliced shallots to sprinkle in once cooked.


