Indonesian Slow-Cooked Chicken (Ayam Manado)

Indonesian Slow-Cooked Chicken (Ayam Manado)

1. Puree onions until they have the consistency of a thick paste. A blender gives the best results.

2. Put oil in a deep pot. Add the onions and saute for about 1 minute.

3. Add all the other ingredients into the pot, (except the chicken pieces, basil and fried shallots), and simmer for about 30 minutes on medium heat. Stir occasionally to prevent burning on bottom of the pot.

4. When sauce is cooked and slightly thickened, reduce heat slightly and add chicken. Cook for further 30 minutes or until meat is virtually falling off bones. [If using breast fillets, reduce the cooking time and cook until the chicken is cooked through but still tender].

5. Remove chicken from bones [a bit messy, but as stated, I find cooking on the bone gives the best flavour!].

6. Stir through the basil leaves.

7. Top with fried shallots. Serve with steamed rice.


