Intoxicating, Sinful, Just Plain Delicious Marinara Sauce

Intoxicating, Sinful, Just Plain Delicious Marinara Sauce

1. Drain your jars or cans of tomatoes. SAVE THE JUICE! I'll post a recipe for my clear tomato soup. You can use it for that so nothing goes to waste.

2. Work the tomatoes with your hands through a tight sieve to get rid of most of the excess liquid. You need just enough so that you can easily blend the pulp in a blender or food processer.

3. Blend the pulp. Set aside.

4. Finely dice your onion. Ok, you are ready to start cooking.

5. Put oil in a medium sized heavy saucepan, bring up to heat and add onions to sauteƩ. I like a little extra oil, but use your discretion if you want less.

6. Add crushed garlic. Garlic added before onions will get overcooked because there is never enough volume to balance the amount of heat in the pan, and overcooked garlic tastes a little acrid, when well-cooked garlic has a much smoother flavor. So always have your onions in as a protective base to your garlic. Let it get fully fragrant.

7. Add all your dry ingredients, and sauteƩ in oil until onions are transparent.

8. Add tomato pulp and red wine. It should be red, not white because it gives a deeper, richer flavor.

9. Put a lid on and let it cook on medium heat stirring intermittently. It will take varying amounts of time depending on how thick you want it. I tried cooking it with a splash screen instead of a lid to get the excess liquid out quickly, but it was still such a mess that it's better to use the lid.

10. When you have the consistency you want, turn off the heat and serve it up with your favorite pasta, or as a dipping sauce, on pizza, calzones etc. etc. etc.


