Irish Coffee Meringue

Irish Coffee Meringue

1. Preheat oven to 300°F Draw two 7-inch circles on a sheet of parchment paper.

2. Place the egg whites in a spotlessly clean and dry bowl. Add the 3/4 cup confectioners sugar and whisk until the mixture stands in medium peaks.

3. Sift the coffee powder with the remaining confectioners' sugar and carefully fold into the egg whites.

4. Carefully spread the meringue with a palette knife onto the circles on the parchment paper. Bake for 20-30 minutes or until crisp.

5. The disks should peel easily from the paper. Allow to cool completely.

6. Add the whiskey to the whipped cream. Place into a pastry bag. Sandwich the meringue disks together with 2/3 of the flavored cream.

7. Pipe 5 rosettes on the top with the remaining whipped cream. Decorate with chocolate-coated coffee beans. TO SLICE: Use a sharp thin knife that has been heated by sitting in very hot water.


