Irish Cream-Filled Chocolate Baskets With Strawberries

Irish Cream-Filled Chocolate Baskets With Strawberries

1. Sprinkle some icing sugar over the strawberries and set aside for 30 mins.

2. Over low heat melt the chocolate, but do not let it boil.

3. Cool to room temperature.

4. Cut some plastic wrap or butter paper into small 12.

5. 5 cm squares.

6. I am planning to make 3.

7. Apply the chocolate paste in a fairly thickish layer over them and keep in small bowls with the chocolate side up.

8. Refrigerate till set (around 30 mins) Meanwhile make the sabayon: Place the eggs, egg yolks and sugar over hot water and whisk till the sugar dissolves.

9. Whisk till the mixture is hot and creamy but do not allow to boil.

10. It should look inreased in size too.

11. Soak the gelatine in a little water (1 tblsp+) and dissolve by heating a little.

12. Stir in the liqueur.

13. Once everything has cooled fold the gelatine and liqueur mixture into the egg mixture and whisk for a minute more.

14. Then add the whipped cream and refrigertate till cool (do no let it set though).

15. Remove the chocolate bowls from the fridge and peel the chocolate carefully from the plastic/ paper.

16. It should form a curly cup like shape.

17. Place this in a tray and then fill with the cooled sayabon Divide the strawberries into 2-3 portions.

18. (depending on how many cups you get from the chocolate) Place each portion into a cup (piled high) Set them in individual plates.

19. Sprinkle the remaining icing sugar over them and garnish with a mint leaf.

20. Note: YOu can make Vanilla ice cream and serve them in these cups too for a different dessert.

21. Or even a combo of a scoop or vanilla and one of chocolate and drizzle with chocolate sauce.

22. YOu can even serve walnut brownies at the side to make this unimaginably sinful.


