Irish Stew With Parsley Dumplings

Irish Stew With Parsley Dumplings

1. Blend the flour, salt and pepper and dredge the meet in the flour mixture. brown in the hot fat in a skillet. Transfer to a heavy pot.

2. Cook onion in fat until lightly colored, then add to the meat. Add boiling water to cover meat, cover pot tightly, simmer at low heat 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

3. Blanch potatoes by covering them with boiling water; drain. Add potatoes, carrots and turnips to stew during the last 20 minutes.

4. Cook until vegetables are tender. To thicken sauce, blend part of the flour mixture used for dredging the meat with sauce from the pot to make a thin paste, add this to the sauce in the pot, simmer until thickened. If dumplings are to be added, prepare as in the following recipe.

5. Combine the biscuit mix with the seasonings, blending well. Add water or milk, stir to moisten. Drop by the spoonfuls on top of the boiling stew, cover and cook 12 minutes.


