Italian Bacon, Tomato &Amp; Chicken Strata

Italian Bacon, Tomato &Amp; Chicken Strata

1. Preheat oven to 350°F.

2. In a lrg skillet, cook bacon over med-heat, drain on paper towels & set aside.

3. Keeping a little bacon fat in the pan, add chicken, saute till cooked through & set aside.

4. Cover the bottom of a 13x9 in baking dish w/focaccia slices. Cover bread w/tomato slices & then bacon. Cut chicken into thin slices & lay over the bacon. Top w/more focaccia.

5. In a lrg bowl, whisk together eggs, cream, salt & pepper. Pour mixture over strata & sprinkle top w/cheese.

6. Bake 35-45 min till cheese has melted & strata feels firm to the touch. Cut into 8 squares & serve hot.

7. NOTE: Altho not mentioned, I assume this could be prepared the nite b4 intended to serve. I think it would make a great brunch or luncheon dish or work as well for a dinner meal when served w/an Italian salad of your choice. Enjoy!


