Italian Ham Pie

Italian Ham Pie

1. Dough: Put wet ingredients in a well made in the flour - if mixing by hand. If using a food processor, add wet ingredients to the flour in processor bowl. In either case, mix until a smooth dough is obtained. Cover with plastic wrap and set aside.

2. Filling: Cut all ingredients into 1/4-1/2 inch pieces. This includes cheeses, ham, pepperoni and hard cooked eggs. Mix this with the beaten eggs, and check to see if filling is the consistency of a loose risotto. If so, good. If not, add a few more eggs.

3. Preparing the Torta: Preheat oven to 350°F.

4. Roll out half the dough and press into an oiled, deep oven casserole, being sure to bring dough up sides of pan. Make sure that dough rests on the bottom of the pan with no air pockets. Let dough hang over sides for now. Spoon filling into pan, gently pressing it from time to time to remove air pockets. Stop when filling reaches about 1/4 inch from top. (Depending on size of pan, one or two pies can be made.).

5. Roll out second piece of dough. Wet edges of dough forming the bottom with either water or milk, and place second piece of dough on torta. Use tines of a fork to attach top piece to bottom along top edge of pan. Cut excess dough hanging off sides with a scissors.

6. Brush top of pie with olive oil, then snip 3 or 4 small holes in top of dough to allow air and liquid to escape while baking. Place pan in preheated oven and bake for 50-60 minutes. Remove pan from oven, and place on a rack. The torta may be served warm, at room temperature or cold. We like it best served at room temperature with a good olive oil drizzled over it. It may be served as a main course or as an appetizer.

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