Italian Wedgie Sandwiches

Italian Wedgie Sandwiches

1. Make the Bread:.

2. Separate the Pizza Doug in half. Roll out as if you were making a regular pizza crust. Drizzle each round with Olive oil, salt, black Pepper, garlic, and Parm cheese. Bake according to manufacturers directions.

3. Make the Dressing:.

4. Whisk together all ingredients until well incorporated.

5. Make the Sandwich:.

6. Take one of the pizza crusts, seasoned side down, and drizzle 1/2 of the dressing on the bread. Layer the meat, cheese, and vegetables. Pour remaining dressing on top. Top the giant sandwich with the second pizza crust. Press.

7. Cut the Giant Pizza shaped sandwich into 8 wedges. Bake the wedges in oven or toaster oven at 350 for a few minutes to allow cheese to melt.

8. Serve and be happy!


