Jam Filled Iced Rolls-Danish'S

Jam Filled Iced Rolls-Danish'S

1. Boil the milk.

2. Let cool until lukewarm.

3. Soften yeast into the water.

4. Next add in the sugar,salt,shortening,beaten egg and yeast into lukewarm milk.

5. Add sifted flour into mixture and stir to combine well.

6. Knead the dough mixture in bowl until it nolonger sticks to sides.

7. Cover dough to let it rise,until it has doubled.

8. When ready,toss the dough onto a floured board.

9. Cut into approx.

10. 18 pieces,rolling into equal sized balls.

11. Let balls of dough rise,doubling in bulk.

12. Make a thumb depression in centers.

13. Spoon into the centers the jam/marmalade.

14. Put rolls onto pie plates.

15. Bake about 15 minutes.

16. When cooled,you may ice them with icing made of confectioners sugar!


