Japanese Shortbread

Japanese Shortbread

1. The layers will be prepared and arranged in the following order, from bottom to top:.

2. Shortbread Crust.

3. Jam Layer.

4. Pistachio Layer.

5. Chocolate Top.

6. Shortbread Crust:.

7. Heat oven to 350 Degrees F. Grease a 15 x 10 inch jelly roll pan.

8. Pulse flour and sugar in a food processor to combine. Add cold cut up butter to work bowl and process until mixture is the texture of coarse meal.

9. Add egg and pulse until mixture begins to hold together. Note: the mixture should still be crumbly but evenly moistened by the egg.

10. Sprinkle the moistened dough evenly in prepared pan. Gently press the dough with floured fingertips evenly along bottom and sides of prepared pan.

11. Bake 20 to 22 mninutes until crust is brown at edges and golden in the center. Transfer to wire rack; cool while making filling.Jam Layer.

12. Stir jam in a small bowl until smooth and spreadable; spread evenly over bottom of crust. (Note: an offset spatula is a great tool for spreading.)Pistachio Layer.

13. Process almonds, sugar, pistachios and flour in food processor, scraping sides of bowl until almonds are very finely ground. This mixture should look like dry bread crumbs. (Note: Grinding nuts in a food processor with flour and sugar prevents the nuts from becoming too moist and turning into nut butter.).

14. Add butter and 1 egg. Process until smooth. Add remaining 2 eggs, almond and vanilla extracts and food coloring; process to blend. This mixture should be smooth and creamy in appearance.

15. Carefully spoon filling over Jam Layer and gently spread to cover.

16. Bake 30 to 35 minutes until filling is golden brown and firm when pressed lightly in center. Cool completely on wire rack.Chocolate Top.

17. Spread melted chocolate evenly over Pistachio Layer. Refrigerate 10 minutes until chocolate is set.

18. Score top of bars to guide knife as you cut 1 1/4 inch squares. Makes 8 dozen.


