Jeweled Rice

Jeweled Rice

1. Roast pistachios at 350 degrees for 4 minutes. Let cool and chop coarsely.

2. Toast almonds golden brown at 350 degrees for 5-8 minutes.

3. Rinse rice in sieve until water runs clear to remove excess starch.

4. Cook rice in boiling water 6-7 minutes stirring occasionally until rice has lengthened, but is still firm. Rinse rice and let cool.

5. Boil 1 cup water & sugar in medium saucepan. When sugar is dissolved, add orange zest and carrots. Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally until carrots are tender 15-20 minutes. Drain carrots & zest, discarding syrup.

6. Soak raisins and barberries in hot water for 10 minutes. Drain.

7. Soak saffron in 1/4 cup hot water.

8. Heat butter and 1 Tbl oil on medium heat in large skillet. Add onion and salt & cook 8-10 minutes until onions are soft and just beginning to brown.

9. Add cardamom, cumin, tumeric and 1 Tbl of saffron mix. Cook approximately 1 minute until fragrant.

10. Turn heat to low. Add barberries and raisins and cook about 3 minutes stirring frequently.

11. Stir in nuts, orange/carrot mix and season with salt.

12. In a large wide heavy pot, heat 3 Tbl oil on medium heat. Add half the rice; spread evenly. Evenly spread fruit/ nut/onion mix on top. Evenly spread remaining rice on top of that. Poke 4-5 holes with wooden spoon handle to the bottom of the pot. This will help steam escape and food cook more evenly.

13. Drizzle remaining saffron mix over rice. Place a clean linen towel over pot and cover with tight fitting lid. Tie loose ends of the towel with a rubber-band,masking tape, or another method to the top of the lid, so it doesn't come near the stove top.

14. Cook 5-8 minutes, until steam emerges. Reduce heat to low and cook 30-40 minutes without stirring until rice is tender. Bottom layer of rice will be brown and crisp.

15. Place in large serving bowl, breaking crust into pieces.


