Joe'S Favorite Elk Sausage

Joe'S Favorite Elk Sausage

1. Mix all seasonings.

2. Add to meat.

3. Mix well with hands.

4. Refrigerate covered overnight.

5. Mix again.

6. Refrigerate covered another night.

7. Form meat into 5 rolls.

8. Place rolls about 2" apart on rack in large shallow pan.

9. Place in center of 350 oven.

10. Bake 10 minute.

11. Reduce heat to 200 and bake 8 hr, turning every 2 hours.

12. Drain off grease as necessary.

13. Outside will be dark and glossy.

14. Inside will be pink.

15. Cool.

16. Wrap each individually in foil.

17. Keeps in fridge 2 weeks or in freezer 4 wks.


