Julia Child'S Puree Of Rice And Turnips With Herbs And Garlic

Julia Child'S Puree Of Rice And Turnips With Herbs And Garlic

1. Bring the milk to a simmer, add the rice, salt, butter, garlic and seasonings.

2. Simmer stirring occasionally for 10 minutes, until the rice is partially tender.

3. Stir in the turnips, adding more milk if necessary to submerge the vegetables.

4. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes stirring occasionally until the turnips are tender.

5. The liquid should almost be absorbed.

6. Puree in a food mill or a food processor.

7. Shortly before serving, reheat, stirring.

8. Carefully correct seasonings.

9. Stir in the butter or cream by spoonfuls.

10. Turn into a hot serving dish and sprinkle with parsley.


