Kalter Hund (German Chocolate Dessert) - Christmas Version

Kalter Hund (German Chocolate Dessert) - Christmas Version

1. Heat your rice cream on the stove-top or in the microwave (I used a microwave-safe bowl and heated the cream at 765 watts for 1:20 min).

2. Add in the chocolate pieces (and mixed spice if using) and stir until smooth.

3. Line a small loaf pan (about 7X3 inches) with cling film and start assembling your dessert by covering the base of the pan with chocolate.

4. Continue by layering speculaas or gingerbread cookies, banana and chocolate into the pan until you have used up everything. The last layer should be chocolate (I got 9 layers in total).

5. Place dessert in the fridge and chill for at least 3 hours, best overnight.

6. Slice and enjoy. :) Its great with additional fruit.


