Kansai-Style Okonomiyaki

Kansai-Style Okonomiyaki

1. In a large bowl, beat together the eggs, nagaimo and water.

2. Slowly beat in the okonomiyaki mix until it is well incorporated with the nagaimo/egg mixture. This is your okonomiyaki batter.

3. Mix the cabbage, kimchee, green onions and pickled ginger into the okonomiyaki batter. Set aside.

4. Heat a large skillet over medium heat and grease lightly with Pam or vegetable oil.

5. Fry the pork belly until it is just cooked (do not brown, it will be cooking more later) and set aside.

6. Add the 1/2 cup of tenkasu to the okonomiyaki batter.

7. Make a large pancake (or two smaller ones) in the skillet with the okonomiyaki batter - you will have to be turning this pancake over at some point, so don't make it so big that you won't be able to flip it.

8. Place the cooked pork belly on top of the pancake and push it down a bit (gently) into the batter. Let the pancake cook for about 10 minutes. Keep peeking at the bottom - you want it to brown but not to burn.

9. Flip the pancake over and let it cook for another 5 minutes or so until it is browned.

10. Place the pancake on a plate and top with okonomi sauce, mayonnaise, and bonito flakes - the heat from the pancake will make the bonito flakes "dance"! It's pretty cool.


