Karelian Lanttukukko (Finnish Meat And Rutabaga Pie)

Karelian Lanttukukko (Finnish Meat And Rutabaga Pie)

1. Combine yeast and warm water, stirring to dissolve yeast, then combine with enough of the rye flour for the consistence of porridge; cover loosely and set aside for one hour.

2. Meanwhile, peel and slice the rutabaga and cook in salted water until soft, about 20 minutes.

3. Once the yeast has been activated, stir in enough all purpose flour to form a dough (the dough will leave the sides of the bowl); cover with a clean towel and set aside to rise for 1 hour.

4. Add a small amount of oil to a skillet and fry the meat, onion, salt and pepper, and chopped parsley; remove from heat once the onions begin to caramelize and are a light golden.

5. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.

6. After an hour the dough should have doubled in size; turn out onto a work surface dusted with rye flour.

7. Knead dough; roll out dough to either a square shape or circular shape to be stuffed with the rutabagas and meat mixture.

8. To the dough, place a layer of rutabaga, then meat.

9. Fold over the sides to cover filling and seal.

10. Transfer to a greased baking sheet and bake until crust is golden and filling is cooked through, about 1 hour.

11. Brush the top with butter and let cool slightly before slicing.

12. NOTE: The original recipe called for the pie to be wrapped in grease-proof paper, then newspaper, then a plastic bag. It was allowed to rest, at room temperature, for 3 hours to soften.


