Karen'S Corned Beef And Cabbage

Karen'S Corned Beef And Cabbage

1. Rinse the corn beef brisket, reserve the spice package.

2. Trim as much fat from brisket as you can without cutting out the meat.

3. Put meat in LARGE kettle. Add 1 can of beer. Cover with water. Add spice package, 3+ cloves of minced garlic and 12+ peppercorns.

4. Cover and bring to boil. Lower to simmer. Allow 50 minutes per pound of meat.

5. About a half hour before meat should be done, add potatoes and carrots. 15 minutes later add onion and small wedged head of cabbage.

6. Remove meat and let rest for 10 minutes.

7. Make Horseradish sauce to serve with meat.


