Khejur Gur Er Paayesh (Rice Pudding) (Begnal, India)

Khejur Gur Er Paayesh (Rice Pudding) (Begnal, India)

1. Wash the rice in a fine mesh strainer and drain thoroughly. Add the melted ghee and stir to coat.

2. Combine the milk and half and half in a large heavy bottomed pot and add the bay leaves. Bring just to a boil, then add the rice.

3. Continue stirring for about 10 minutes, then check the rice. It needs to be done before you add the sugar, else the sugar will prevent it from cooking all the way.

4. When the rice is cooked through, add the sugar and keep stirring. Keep this up until the milk thickens (this may take between 40 and 60 minutes). To check for doneness, pour a little bit into the center of a plate. If the milk doesn't flow and stays in a button shape in the middle of the plate, it's ready. Take the pot off the heat.

5. Let the pudding sit for five minutes, then add the jaggery (if your jaggery is like mine was, you'll need to crush it so it will melt into the pudding). Then add the raisins. If serving cold, cover and place in the refrigerator until ready to eat.


