Kids' Calzones

Kids' Calzones

1. Brown beef and onion in skillet; drain.

2. Add pizza sauce, olives, basil, and oregano to beef mixture.

3. Stir till thoroughly mixed.

4. Cut a thin slice from the top of rolls or loaf.

5. Hollow out bottom of rolls to within 1/2" inch of the edges.

6. Sprinkle 3 TBSP cheese on the bottom of each roll; or sprinkle half of cheese on loaf.

7. Spoon meat mixture into rolls on top of cheese.

8. Sprinkle with remaining cheese.

9. Replace rolls tops.

10. Wrap individually in foil.

11. Refrigerate 3-24 hours or freeze.

12. To serve: Place foil wrapped sandwiches on baking sheet and bake at 375 for 40 min if refrigerated and 60-75 minutes if frozen.


