Kirsebaerkremkake- Cherry Cream Cake

Kirsebaerkremkake- Cherry Cream Cake

1. The Cake:Grind almonds twice, the second time with the confectioners' sugar.

2. The almonds should have the consistency of flour.

3. Whip the egg whites until stiff but not dry, and blend with the nuts.

4. Divide and spread batter in two greased 9-inch (23 cm) springform pans, and bake at 320 degrees F (160 degrees C) 25 to 30 minutes.

5. Cool slightly in pan before removing to rack to cool completely.

6. Makes two 9-inch layers.

7. Cherry Cream:Beat the cream until firm and glossy.

8. Add eggs and confectioners' sugar which have been whipped together until light and fluffy.

9. Stir in the chocolate sauce or syrup, and add cherry juice to taste.

10. Place one cake layer on platter, baked side down, and cover with half of the cream mixture.

11. Add second layer, baked side up, and top with remaining cream.

12. Keep refrigerated until serving time.


