Kit Kat'S Frittata

Kit Kat'S Frittata

1. Note: I use non-stick teflon coated pans, I find that these produce the best results and I need little or no oil.

2. Peel and cut potatoes into 1cm cubes and boil until al dente (I use the microwave for this).

3. Finely dice garlic and onion and fry until translucent.

4. Crack eggs and whisk lightly.

5. Drain potatoes and fry, bake or grill until light golden brown (like you are cooking fries).

6. Mix cheese and herbs in a large bowl and season.

7. Add the potatoes, garlic and onion to the cheese and mix through.

8. Add the whisked eggs to the mix and fold through.

9. Heat a large non stick frying pan and pour in the mixture. (It may be a good idea to make 2 smaller frittate with this amount of ingredients, as you will then have room to scrape into sides as they cook and you will have more room to turn the frittata).

10. Turn the heat down quite low, otherwise the base will get burnt.

11. Scrape the sides of the frittata into the middles as they cook, the raw egg will move to the edges and you can repeat the action.

12. When the frittata has cooked around the edges and there is only a section in the middle left uncooked, place under a hot grill until nice and golden.

13. You may like to sprinkle cheese over the top while under the grill.

14. The best way to remove the frittata from the pan is to slide it out onto a warm plate, this is why I insist on using non-stick pans

15. Slice like you would a pizza and serve. Personally I like the frittata warm but not hot, but its also great cold.

16. Variations: as I have said, it is so easy to vary this dish, here are some suggestions -- pumpkin and sweet potato (cooked in the same way as the potato, diced squash, zucchini, tomato, aubergine (eggplant), corn, mushrooms or broccoli. To turn it into a non-vego dish, add some diced ham/bacon (fry a little in the pan), shredded chicken or turkey or even some flaked fish. I have even used tofu on occasion.

17. Yet another example of how versatile this dish is, change your seasonings; whisk in with the eggs some curry powder, cajun spices or some freshly chopped chilli. Enjoy, I believe alot of the joy of this dish comes from the cooking process itself.


