Korean Style Bbq Tofu

Korean Style Bbq Tofu

1. Combine all the ingredients (except tofu and sesame seeds) in a blender and puree. Pour into a shallow dish.

2. Place tofu in the marinade, turning to coat. Cover and place in the fridge for 24 hours – 5 days.

3. Remove tofu from the marinade (you can use it to make a sauce if you want, since there’s no raw meat involved) and roll in the sesame seeds.

4. Preheat a grill pan or skillet over medium high heat (I don’t recommend an actual barbecue for this unless the grate is really narrow). Grease well.

5. Place tofu in one layer on the pan and cook 6 minutes, then carefully turn over and cook another 5-6 minutes.

6. Serve as part of a rice or noodle bowl, or with a stir fry. This also tastes great as part of a sandwich or wrap.


