Kothu Parata

Kothu Parata

1. Cook the flaky bread-the frozen paratha on a flat griddle and cool it. Then shred it finely like small bits of paper.

2. Finely chop the onions,mince the green chillies. Deseed the tomato and chop it fine.

3. Break the eggs and add little salt, beat it well.

4. Heat oil in a wok over medium high flame.

5. Add the chopped onions,minced green chillies.

6. Fry till translucent,now add the tomato and fry for a minute.Now mix in the beaten egg mixture and scramble it. Once it is scrambled add all the dry powders,salt mix well.

7. Add the shredded paratas, if required add a tsp of oil and attack the mixture in the wok with 2 flat laddles-like the one used for turning dosas.

8. This will scramble the mixture. They will become nicely shredded and flaky.

9. Garnish the kothu parata with chopped coriander and serve it hot.


