Kottlety Pozharskie (Chicken Burger With Coleslaw)

Kottlety Pozharskie (Chicken Burger With Coleslaw)

1. Salade de chou: Placer le chou dans un bol. Set aside.

2. In a small saucepan or in a microwave dish in the microwave, bring to boil the vinegar and sugar. Pour on the cabbage and add sour cream. Add salt and pepper. Set aside in the fridge.

3. Burgers:.

4. Preheat barbecue to high heat.

5. In a bowl, soak the bread in milk. Add chicken, breadcrumbs, butter and nutmeg. Add salt and pepper. Mix well until homogeneous. Shape in 4 patties and coat with breadcrumbs.

6. Grill the patties around 5 minutes each side. Grill the kaiser breads.

7. Put each patty on the braed and garnish generously with coleslaw.


