Kueh Pisang Or Chinese Banana And Cinnamon Pancakes

Kueh Pisang Or Chinese Banana And Cinnamon Pancakes

1. In large bowl, whisk together flour, cinnamon & baking powder.

2. Make well in center & add HALF the milk & HALF the eggs, beating until batter is smooth. Then add remaining milk & eggs, stirring thoroughly.

3. In separate bowl, mash bananas with salt & sugar.

4. Stir banana mixture into batter.

5. Sprinkle waxed or parchment paper with powdered sugar & set aside.

6. Heat some oil in skillet over high heat, then drain off any excess oil & drop in enough batter to make a pancake 5-7 inches in diameter.

7. Cook on each side until golden, working in batches if needed.

8. When a pancake is done, place on sugared parchment paper & sprinkle with extra cinnamon & powdered sugar. Add a little lemon juice to each pancake, then fold into quarters & serve hot.


