Labaneya (Spinach And Yogurt Soup)

Labaneya (Spinach And Yogurt Soup)

1. Prep spinach ( de-stem and wash fresh, or thaw frozen). Squeeze out excess water from frozen or cut fresh in 1/2 inch ribbons.

2. Fry onion in oil until soft. Add 1 clove of crushed garlic and cook 1-2 minutes.

3. Add spinach, liquid, scallions, rice, salt and pepper. Simmer 20 minutes (test to see rice is finished cooking).

4. Mix yogurt with second garlic (optional) and add mint. Beat the mixture into the soup- do not let it boil or it'll curdle. Heat through very gently and cautiously.

5. Persian Jews use dill instead of the mint.

6. For Turkish touch garnish with dribble of 1 Tbsp mixed with 2 Tbsp sizzling hot butter.


