Laksa Flavoured Prawns-Shrimp And Hokkien Noodles

Laksa Flavoured Prawns-Shrimp And Hokkien Noodles

1. Rinse noodles under hot water; drain and then transfer to a large bowl and separate noodles with fork.

2. shell and devein praws, leaving tails intact (I remove tails my preference).

3. Heat oil in wok; stir fry prawns, white onion, garlic and ginger in batches, until prawns are changed in colour.

4. Stir fry Laksa paste in same wok until fragrant and hot.

5. Return prawn mixture to wok with cream, stock, sprouts, juice and noodles and stir fry, tossing until sauce boils

6. Serve Laksa sprinkled with coriander and green onions.


