Larp Of Chiang Mai

Larp Of Chiang Mai

1. Heat a large, non-stick frying pan. Add the minced chicken and moisten with a little water. Stir constantly over a medium heat for 7-10 minutes, until it is cooked through. Remove the pan from the heat and drainf off any excess fat. Cut off the lower 2in of the lemon grass stalk and chop it finely.

2. Transfer the cooked chicken to a bowl and add the chopped lemon grass, lime leaves, chillies, lime juice, fish sauce, roasted ground rice, spring onions, and corriander. Mix thoroughly.

3. Note: roasted ground rice is uncooked rice, roasted over a low heat until it turns light brown, then ground up into a fine powder. Do not skip this step; the rice "binds" the ingredients together.

4. Spoon the chicken mixture into a salad bown. Sprinkle sliced (kaffir) lime leaves over the top and garnish with salad leaves and sprigs of mint.


