Lasagna Bowl

Lasagna Bowl

1. Cook pasta according to package directions, just until al dente; drain well and set aside.

2. Meanwhile, while pasta is cooking, melt butter in large skillet over medium heat, add oil, then saute onion, stirring often, until onion is soft.

3. Increase heat to high and add ground beef.

4. Brown the beef, stirring frequently (this will take about 5 minutes).

5. Stir in sauce and cook until sauce is heated through; remove from heat.

6. In a large glass mixing bowl, combine cottage cheese, parmesan, minced garlic, basil and pepper to taste.

7. Microwave this mixture on High for 2 minutes or until it's very hot; let stand for 2 minutes.

8. Place cooked pasta in a prewarmed shallow serving bowl; top with meat sauce, but leave a border of pasta visible around the edges.

9. Top the meat sauce with the cheese mixture, again leaving a border of sauce visible.


